muwerk mupplet Core Library
muwerk applets; mupplets: functional units that support specific hardware or reusable applications
This is the complete list of members for ustd::LightsPCA9685, including all inherited members.
begin(Scheduler *_pSched, TwoWire *_pWire=nullptr, bool initialState=false) | ustd::LightsPCA9685 | inline |
LightsPCA9685(String name, uint8_t addr=0x40, bool activeLogic=false) | ustd::LightsPCA9685 | inline |
set(int8_t channel, bool state) | ustd::LightsPCA9685 | inline |
setMinMaxWaveBrightness(int8_t channel, double minBrightness, double maxBrightness) | ustd::LightsPCA9685 | inline |
setMode(int8_t channel, LightController::Mode mode, unsigned int interval_ms=1000, double phase_unit=0.0, String pattern="") | ustd::LightsPCA9685 | inline |