muwerk mupplet Core Library
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ustd::HomeAssistant Class Reference

#include <home_assistant.h>

Public Types

enum  DeviceType {
 HomeAssistant Device Type. More...

Public Member Functions

 HomeAssistant (String name, String manufacturer, String model, String version)
void begin (Scheduler *_pSched, bool initialAutodiscovery=false)
void setAutoDiscovery (bool enabled)
void addAttributes (String attribGroup, String manufacturer="", String model="", String version="")
void addSwitch (String name, String human="", String dev_cla="", String icon="", String attribs="")
void addSwitch (String name, int channel, String human="", String dev_cla="", String icon="", String attribs="")
void addMultiSwitch (String name, int count, String human="", String dev_cla="", String icon="", String attribs="")
void addLight (String name, String human="", DeviceType type=LightDim, String icon="", String attribs="", String effects="")
void addLight (String name, int channel, String human="", DeviceType type=LightDim, String icon="", String attribs="", String effects="")
void addMultiLight (String name, int count, String human="", DeviceType type=LightDim, String icon="", String attribs="")
void addSensor (String name, String value, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, String attribs="")
void addSensor (String name, String value, int channel, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, String attribs="")
void addMultiSensor (String name, String value, int count, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, String attribs="")
void addBinarySensor (String name, String value, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, int off_dly=-1, String attribs="")
void addBinarySensor (String name, String value, int channel, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, int off_dly=-1, String attribs="")
void addMultiBinarySensor (String name, String value, int count, String human="", String dev_cla="", String unit="", String icon="", String val_tpl="", int exp_aft=-1, bool frc_upd=false, int off_dly=-1, String attribs="")

Detailed Description

mupplet-core HomeAssistant Device Autodiscovery Helper

This class implements support for the "MQTT Discovery" feature of HomeAssistant. By creating an instance of this class, and by specifiying the affected entites, the device will be able to advertise the exported entites to HomeAsisstant using the specified MWTT messages. (See for details)


Incoming Messages

The HomeAssistant helper reacts to the following messages:

Topic Message Body Description
ha/state/set on or off Enables or disables entity discovery.
ha/state/get Requests the current entity discovery state.

Outgoing Messages

Topic Message Body Description
ha/state on or off Current State of the entity discovery
ha/attribs/<attribGroup> { ... } Current entity attributes (See below)

Entity attributes are sent as JSON object and are displayed as attributes to an entity. The HomeAssistant Device Autodiscovery Helper always sends the attribute group device that will contain such data:

"RSSI": "52",
"Signal (dBm)": "-74",
"Mac": "84:F3:EB:1A:2F:D8",
"IP": "",
"Host": "test-esp-d1mini-01",
"Manufacturer": "Starfleet Engineering",
"Model": "Tricorder Mark VII",
"Version": "3.14.15"

Sample Integration

#define __ESP__ 1 // Platform defines required, see ustd library doc, mainpage.
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "mqtt.h"
#include "home_assistant.h"
#include "mup_airq_bme280.h"
#include "mup_light_pca9685.h"
ustd::Scheduler sched;
ustd::AirQualityBme280 bme( "bme280", BME280_ADDRESS_ALTERNATE,
ustd::AirQualityBme280::SampleMode::MEDIUM );
ustd::LightsPCA9685 panel("panel");
ustd::HomeAssistant ha("Tricorder", "Starfleet Engineering", "Tricorder Mark VII", "3.14.15");
void setup() {
ha.begin(&sched, true);
ha.addMultiLight("panel", 16);
Definition: home_assistant.h:86
mupplet-core PCA 9685 Light class
Definition: mup_light_pca9685.h:58

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DeviceType

HomeAssistant Device Type.


Sensor reporting numerical or state values.


Sensor reporting binary states.


A simple device that can only be switched on and off.


A simple light that can only be switched on and off.


A light that can be dimmed.


A light with light temperature that can be dimmed.


A color light.


A color light with additional white component.

A color light with additional white compoenent that can be "tempered"

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HomeAssistant()

ustd::HomeAssistant::HomeAssistant ( String  name,
String  manufacturer,
String  model,
String  version 

Instantiate a HomeAssistant Autodiscovery Helper

No interaction is performed, until begin() is called.

nameName of the device
manufacturerManufacutrer of the deivce
modelModel of the device
versionVersion of the device

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttributes()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addAttributes ( String  attribGroup,
String  manufacturer = "",
String  model = "",
String  version = "" 

Adds a specific attribute group for the device

By adding an attribute group, the device sends a full set of attributes every time the network state changes under the topic ha/attribs/<attribGroup>. The default attribute group 'device' is already defined automatically using the device information supplied in the constructor. Adding additional attribute groups is only useful if specific entities should provide more detailed information about the manufacturer of the hardware and/or the hardware/software revision.

attribGroupName of the attribute group
manufacturer(default is the value defined in the constructor). Name of the manufacturer
model(default is the value defined in the constructor). Name of the model
version(default is the value defined in the constructor). Software or hardware version information

◆ addBinarySensor() [1/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addBinarySensor ( String  name,
String  value,
int  channel,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
int  off_dly = -1,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a binary sensor

This method adds a definition for a specific channel of a multichannel binary sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Binary Sensor". Binary Sensors are devices that reports binary values (on or off) like buttons (e.g. Switch), remote controls, etc.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
channelNumber of the channel
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
off_dlyOptional delay in seconds after which the sensor’s state will be updated back to off
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addBinarySensor() [2/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addBinarySensor ( String  name,
String  value,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
int  off_dly = -1,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a binary sensor

This method adds a definition for a binary sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Binary Sensor". Binary Sensors are devices that reports binary values (on or off) like buttons (e.g. Switch), remote controls, etc.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
off_dlyOptional delay in seconds after which the sensor’s state will be updated back to off
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addLight() [1/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addLight ( String  name,
int  channel,
String  human = "",
DeviceType  type = LightDim,
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "",
String  effects = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a light entity

This method adds a definition for a specific channel of a multichannel light entity. HomeAssistant will treat such a device as a "Light". Lights are devices that support multiple operating modes like Light or LightsPCA9685 (See:

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
channelNumber of the channel
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
typeOptional type of light (default: LightDim)
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)
effectsOptional string containing a comma-separated list of special effect names

◆ addLight() [2/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addLight ( String  name,
String  human = "",
DeviceType  type = LightDim,
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "",
String  effects = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a light entity

This method adds a definition for light entity. HomeAssistant will treat such a device as a "Light". Lights are devices that support multiple operating modes like Light or LightsPCA9685 (See:

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
typeOptional type of light (default: LightDim)
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)
effectsOptional string containing a comma-separated list of special effect names

◆ addMultiBinarySensor()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addMultiBinarySensor ( String  name,
String  value,
int  count,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
int  off_dly = -1,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds entity definitions for multiple binary sensors

This method adds a definition for all channels of a multichannel binary sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Binary Sensor". Binary Sensors are devices that reports binary values (on or off) like buttons (e.g. Switch), remote controls, etc.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
countNumber of channels of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
off_dlyOptional delay in seconds after which the sensor’s state will be updated back to off
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addMultiLight()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addMultiLight ( String  name,
int  count,
String  human = "",
DeviceType  type = LightDim,
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "" 

Adds entity definitions for multiple light entities

This method adds a definition for all channels of a multichannel light entity. HomeAssistant will treat such a device as a "Light". Lights are devices that support multiple operating modes like Light or LightsPCA9685 (See:

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
countNumber of channels of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
typeOptional type of light (default: LightDim)
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addMultiSensor()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addMultiSensor ( String  name,
String  value,
int  count,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds entity definitions for a multiple sensors

This method adds a definition for all channels of a multichannel sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Sensor". Sensors are devices that reports any kind of values like thermometers or similar.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
countNumber of channels of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addMultiSwitch()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addMultiSwitch ( String  name,
int  count,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "" 

Adds entity definitions for multiple switchable entities

This method adds definitions for all channels of a multichannel switchable entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Switch". Switches are devices that can be switched on or off like DigitalOut.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
countNumber of channels of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the switch (See:
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addSensor() [1/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addSensor ( String  name,
String  value,
int  channel,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for asensor

This method adds a definition for a specific channel of a multichannel sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Sensor". Sensors are devices that reports any kind of values like thermometers or similar.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
channelNumber of the channel
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addSensor() [2/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addSensor ( String  name,
String  value,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  unit = "",
String  icon = "",
String  val_tpl = "",
int  exp_aft = -1,
bool  frc_upd = false,
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a sensor

This method adds a definition for a sensor entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Sensor". Sensors are devices that reports any kind of values like thermometers or similar.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
valueName of the value reported by the mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the sensor (See:
unitOptional alternative unit for the reported data
iconOptional alternative icon
val_tplOptional value template to extract the value
exp_aftOptional expiration time in seconds after which the value expires
frc_updIf true the value update will be notified also if the value was not changed
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addSwitch() [1/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addSwitch ( String  name,
int  channel,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a switchable entity

This method adds a definition for a specific channel of a multichannel switchable entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Switch". Switches are devices that can be switched on or off like DigitalOut.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
channelNumber of the channel
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the switch (See:
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ addSwitch() [2/2]

void ustd::HomeAssistant::addSwitch ( String  name,
String  human = "",
String  dev_cla = "",
String  icon = "",
String  attribs = "" 

Adds an entity definition for a switchable entity

This method adds a definition for a switchable entity. HomeAssistant will treat such as device as a "Switch". Switches are devices that can be switched on or off like DigitalOut.

nameUnique name of the referenced mupplet
humanOptional human readable name for HomeAssistant entity
dev_claOptional device class for the switch (See:
iconOptional alternative icon
attribsOptional alternative attribute group (by default all entities reference the "device" attributes group)

◆ begin()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::begin ( Scheduler *  _pSched,
bool  initialAutodiscovery = false 

Initialize the HomeAssistant discovery helper and start operation

_pSchedPointer to a muwerk scheduler object, used to create worker tasks and for message pub/sub.
initialAutodiscoveryInitial state of the HomeAssistant Autodiscovery Helper if not already saved into the filesystem.

◆ setAutoDiscovery()

void ustd::HomeAssistant::setAutoDiscovery ( bool  enabled)

Activates or deactivates HomeAssistant MQTT discovery

enabledtrue if devices shall be advertised to HomeAssistant, false if not

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: