muwerk mupplet Core Library
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ustd::LightController Class Reference

The Light Controller Class. More...

#include <light_controller.h>

Public Types

enum  Mode { }
typedef std::function< void(bool state, double level, bool control, bool notify)> T_CONTROL
 Hardware Control Function. More...

Public Member Functions

 LightController ()
void begin (T_CONTROL controller, bool initialState=false)
void loop ()
bool commandParser (String command, String args)
void set (bool state)
void brightness (double level)
void setMode (Mode mode, unsigned int interval_ms=1000, double phase_unit=0.0, String pattern="")
void setMinMaxWaveBrightness (double minBrightness, double maxBrightness)
void forceState (bool state, double brightlevel)

Detailed Description

The Light Controller Class.

This class is useful to implement mupplets for things that behave like a light. It supports switching the unit on and off and setting the light intensity. Addionally automatic light effects are supported (see Mode and setMode)

Member Typedef Documentation


typedef std::function<void(bool state, double level, bool control, bool notify)> ustd::LightController::T_CONTROL

Hardware Control Function.

The hardware control function is called every time when the state of the light shall change or when the state shall be notified.

state: The logical state of the light: true if the light is on, false if the light is off. level: The brightness level of the light. The value ranges between 0.0 and 1.0 control: If true the hardware shall be set to the supplied values. notify: If true the current state and brightness level shall be notified to whom it may concern.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Mode

The light operation mode


Light is controlled by API or external events, used for on/off and brightness modes. No automatic state changes


Blink the light with a given frequency. The light is automatically controlled by the mupplet until a manual state override is given.


This modulates the light with a soft pulsing wave effect, automatic mode.


One-time pulse for a given length, automatic mode while pulse is active.

Plays an (optionally) repeating pattern, e.g. to signal a system state.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LightController()

ustd::LightController::LightController ( )

Instantiates a LightController instance

No hardware interaction is performed, until begin() is called.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

void ustd::LightController::begin ( T_CONTROL  controller,
bool  initialState = false 

Initiate operation

controllerThe controller function that controls the hardware and publishes state messages.
initialStateInitial logical state of the light.

◆ brightness()

void ustd::LightController::brightness ( double  level)

Set light brighness level

levelBrightness level [0.0 (off) - 1.0 (on)]

◆ commandParser()

bool ustd::LightController::commandParser ( String  command,
String  args 

A command parser method for the light

This function acceps commands and their optional arguments. Usually commands in mupplets are sent be publishing messages to specific topics containing the command as the last part of the topic. The most efficient method for processing commands from message subscriptions would be:

pSched->subscribe(tID, name + "/light/#", [this](String topic, String msg, String orig) {
this->light.commandParser(topic.substring(name.length() + 7), msg);

If the topic <muppletname>/light/ shoudl support additonal commands, a typical implementation would be like:

pSched->subscribe(tID, name + "/light/#", [this](String topic, String msg, String orig) {
topic = topic.substring(name.length() + 7);
if (this->light.commandParser(topic, msg)) {
// command was processed in light controller
if (topic == "mycommand") {
// do my stuff...
} else if (topic == "myothercommand") {
// do my other stuff

The following commands are supported:

set - set the light on/off or to a specific intensity mode/set - change the mode - see setMode for details unitbrightness/get - notify the current status

commandThe command to parse
argsThe arguments to the command

◆ forceState()

void ustd::LightController::forceState ( bool  state,
double  brightlevel 

Force the internal state and brightness to a specific value. Useful to fix the internal state in case the hardware is not able to display the requested state. This can usually happen if the brightness is so low that the hardware switches off. e.g.: if a led is moduled via a PWM with only 256 steps, it may happen that a very low brightness will result in the PWM value 0 -> the led is switched off. The implementation will than force the state to false, 0.0:

} else if (state && level > 0.0) {
// led is dimmed
uint16_t bri = (uint16_t)(level * (double)pwmrange);
if (bri) {
if (!activeLogic)
bri = pwmrange - bri;
ledcWrite(channel, bri);
} else {
light.forceState(false, 0.0);
onLightControl(false, 0.0, control, notify);
} else {
stateLogical state of the light: true=on, false=off.
brightlevelBrightness level of the light [0.0 (off) - 1.0 (on)]

◆ loop()

void ustd::LightController::loop ( )

The loop method This function must be called in the loop method of the mupplet. In order to get smoth effects, this function should be called every 50ms.

◆ set()

void ustd::LightController::set ( bool  state)

Set light to a given logical state. A light mupplet usually sends the following messages on state change:

topic message body comment
<prefix>/unitbrightness normalized brightness [0.0-1.0] 0.34: Float value encoded as string. Not send on automatic changes (e.g. pulse mode)
<prefix>/state on or off Current light state (on is not sent on brightness intermediate values)
statetrue=on, false=off.

◆ setMinMaxWaveBrightness()

void ustd::LightController::setMinMaxWaveBrightness ( double  minBrightness,
double  maxBrightness 

Set minimum and maximum brightness in wave Mode Useful to compensate, if a light stays at similar brightness for a range of input values.

minBrightnessMinimum brightness 0-1.0
maxBrightnessMaximum brightness 0-1.0

◆ setMode()

void ustd::LightController::setMode ( Mode  mode,
unsigned int  interval_ms = 1000,
double  phase_unit = 0.0,
String  pattern = "" 

Set light mode to given Mode

modeLight Mode
interval_msDuration of blink in Mode::Blink or pulse duration.
phase_unitPhase difference used to synchronize different lights in Wave or blink mode. A phase_unit of 0 synchronizes the given lights. phase-difference is in [0.0-1.0]. A phase difference of 0.5 (180 degrees) between two leds would let leds blink reversed.
patternOnly in Mode::Pattern: a pattern string consisting of the characters '+' (on), '-' (off), '0'-'9' (brightness 0%-100%), or at the end of the string 'r' for endless repeat. Intervall_ms is the time for each pattern step. Example "++-r" with intervall_ms=100 lights the led for 200ms on, 100ms off and repeats. "1---------r" makes a faint 100ms flash every second. "0135797531r" simulates a wave.

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